Board Mission Statement
The mission of the Millard County Tourism Board is to ensure that tourism is a significant and stable contribute to the economy and quality of life in Millard County. By creating and promoting cultural and recreational opportunities in Millard County. We will attract new visitors, keep intentional visitors here longer and encourage return visits.
We will foster participation with local businesses whose services and facilities benefit visitors and locals alike. We take our fiduciary responsibilities seriously, ensuring that County Tourism funds are used effectively to achieve these goals. The purpose of Millard County Tourism Grants is to further the goals of the Tourism Mission Statement.
The maximum grant amount is $3,000 per event or per year. Funding is contingent on available funds in the Tourism budget.
Applicants who are repeating an application for the previous year’s grants must submit their request by Dec 1. New entities with grant requests can submit applications until Mar 1. It is advisable to have adequate planning done before submitting a grant request.
All invoices for payment must be submitted to the Tourism office no later than Dec. 1. The invoice should be made out to Millard County Tourism in care of the entity requesting the funding. A W-9 and disclosure form will be required for all payees prior to any payment being issued.
Grant applicants are urged to submit grant applications using the online tool at top right on this page. Alternately, you can submit an application by downloading and filling out the pdf below and then e-mailing it to millardcountytravel@gmail.com. Type-written applications will also be accepted at Millard County Tourism, 71 South 200 West, PO Box 854, Delta, Utah 84624 or Fax to 435-864-1404.
Submitting a request for funding does not guarantee approval.
Please fill out the information on the application pages to qualify your organization for funding. This must be completed and submitted prior to being placed on the agenda of the next available Tourism Board meeting. You will be given 10 minutes to explain your request and answer questions. In addition, a successful grant applicant will be required to report back to the Tourism Board the results of the event (successes, things to improve etc.) within two months of the event at a regularly scheduled meeting. (View the information you will need to provide when you report back after the event.)
Submit a grant application online